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New antitrust rules: Ministry of Economics presents draft bill for competition law

The German Ministry of Economics has now officially published the draft bill for a reform of competition law. So far, only the Düsseldorf antitrust blog www.d-kart.de had “leaked” a version of the bill. The draft implements the ECN-plus-directive of the EU and also contains far-reaching changes in merger control and in the rules on abusive practices. The Ministry puts the focus on digital issues.

The reform is a big topic for the team of the Chair for competition law, too: Rupprecht Podszun, Fabian Brauckmann and Adrian Deuschle published on the matter. In autumn, the Institute for Competition Law hosted a big conference with the Ministry on Düsseldorf to discuss the previous version. Professor Podszun was consulted by media like the Financial Times and Handelsblatt on the reform and was a guest in the law podcast of “Einspruch!”.


Publications on the topics of the draft bill:

  • Podszun/Kersting, Eine Wettbewerbsordnung für das digitale Zeitalter, ZRP 2019, 34-38
  • Podszun/Kersting, Modernisierung des Wettbewerbsrechts und Digitalisierung, NJOZ 2019, 321-325
  • Podszun/Deuschle, Einstweilige Maßnahmen im Kartellrecht – Der Fall Broadcom und der GWB-Referentenentwurf, WuW 2019, 613-618
  • Podszun/Brauckmann, GWB-Digitalisierungsgesetz: Der Referentenentwurf des BMWi zur 10. GWB-Novelle, GWR 2019, 436-438
  • Podszun/Brauckmann, Germany’s Pressing Ahead: The Proposal for a reformed Competition Act, CPI – Competition Policy International, Nov. 2019

We cover the current developments in German and English on www.d-kart.de.


FAZ-Einspruch-Podcast: Einspruch - Trinken gegen den Brexit

Handelsblatt report: Kartellrechtler lobt Altmaier-Pläne für digitales Wettbewerbsrecht

Financial Times report: Tech companies face clampdown in Germany over competition fears


Draft law of the Federal Ministry of Economics (in German): Click here


Kategorie/n: Fakultät und Institute, Wettbewerb
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