What is the next step in regulating the digital economy? Prof. Dr. Rupprecht Podszun, Director of the Institute for Competition Law at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, was invited to the Economic Committees of the German Parliament, the Bundestag, as an expert on this topic. The occasion was the agreement on the Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the EU, a set of rules with which digital gatekeepers such as Google or Apple are to be subjected to stricter rules. Parliamentarians wanted to know from the experts above all how the DMA relates to national antitrust law and what further steps are to be recommended.
Professor Podszun advocated speeding up proceedings and strengthening the private enforcement of the DMA. In addition, tougher merger control should be considered. However, he also warned that the "regulatory puzzle" must still be manageable: More and more new laws and rules would soon be hard to keep track of. Podszun and his team, led by Philipp Bongartz, have prepared a written statement for the Bundestag. It is available on the website of the Committee. A recording of the hearing can also be found there. Other experts in the Bundestag were Prof. Dr Achim Wambach (ZEW), economist Prof. Dr Monika Schnitzer (LMU Munich), Prof. Dr Wolfgang Kerber (University of Marburg) and lawyer Dr Kim Manuel Künstner; the Chairman of the Monopolies Commission Prof. Dr Jürgen Kühling and the President of the Federal Cartel Office Andreas Mundt were present online.
Prof. Podszun: Expert in the Economics Committee of the German Bundestag
Kategorie/n: Fakultät und Institute, Startseitenbericht, Digitalrecht, Wettbewerb